Call for Workshop Proposals
ACM SIGCHI Designing Interactive Systems, 4-8 June 2016, Brisbane, Australia
We invite proposals for workshops that engage with central themes in designing interactive systems for people. Workshops are unique opportunities to collect together a diverse group of practitioners and researchers to spend focused time on important topics. A workshop format is ideal for getting things accomplished, generating outcomes (rather than reporting on them) and actively working together on open, unresolved or controversial issues in the field. Workshops should be designed to generate interaction between participants, foster community-building and attract broad interdisciplinary interest within the field. We encourage proposals that allow for participants to engage in “doing”: in design, in prototyping or hacking, in new methods, in analysis, in theorizing or in the application of emerging theories.
DIS 2016 Workshops
DIS 2016 workshops will be held on the first two days of the conference (4th and 5th June 2016); proposals for workshops may be for half-day, whole day, or two days. We also invite proposals for a new “embedded” workshop format we are trialling, where a workshop that runs as a session before the conference continues in short (approx. one hour) instalments over the next three days, embedded in the regular conference program. Plan for 6 working hours per day, with morning, afternoon and lunch breaks. Reserving unhurried time for socialising is important. Workshops should aim to attract between 10-25 participants.
Proposals should be ambitious: we encourage innovative, boundary crossing and experimental proposals that relate to the topics in the DIS 2016 call for papers:
- Design Theory, Methods, and Critical Perspectives: Methods, tools, and techniques for engaging people; researching, designing, and co-designing interactive systems; the use of critical and cultural theory to understand, critique, and reflect on design products and contexts as well as design practices.
- Experience: Places, temporality, people, communities, events, phenomena, aesthetics, user experience, usability, engagement, empowerment, wellbeing, designing things that matter, diversity, participation, materiality, making, etc.
- Application Domains: Health, ICT4D, children-computer interaction, sustainability, games/entertainment computing, digital arts, etc.
- Technological Innovation (systems, tools, and/or artifact designs): Sensors and actuators, mobile devices, multi touch and touchless interaction, social media, personal, community, and public displays
Jan 17, 2016: Workshop proposals dueFeb 10, 2016: Notification to workshop organisersFeb 15, 2016: CfP released by workshop organisersMarch 13, 2016: Workshop participant submission deadlineMay 8, 2016: Early bird registration deadline- DIS 2016 workshop days: Saturday 4 June and Sunday 5 June 2016
Submission details
Workshop proposals should be 2-4 pages in length including references in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format (2016), submitted via email to the Workshops Chairs: workshops [AT] Proposals should contain:
- Title and proposed duration
- Organisers’ names and institutional addresses (proposals are not anonymised for review)
- Workshop theme and goals, background and motivation
- Intended audience and recruitment strategy
- Schedule and description of activities planned
- Intended outcomes of the workshop, their benefits and significance
- Required facilities
- A plan for how the results of the workshop will be disseminated beyond DIS 2016
- Short biographies of the organisers (including photos)
- A draft 250-word call for participation for your workshop in a separate document, which will be posted on the DIS 2016 conference website. This should contain information on how potential participants should submit to you.
All proposals will be reviewed by the workshop chairs. Successful proposals should describe how the workshop format will be leveraged to generate clear outcomes and to make constructive and valuable use of the participants’ collective expertise. Social, active and engaging workshop concepts with clear collaborative outcomes will be preferred, as will workshops that have strong potential to generate cross-disciplinary interest.
For first time workshop organisers, proposals from previous DIS conferences are a helpful indication of appropriate content and style:
Workshops Chairs
Jared Donovan
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Ben Matthews
University of Queensland, Australia
workshops [AT]